Pr. dr. Prilipceanu Cristian
ROMA – Centrul Ortodox de Studii Teologice
„Sfântul Cuvios Dionisie Exiguul“.
Voi cădea (mai degrabă) în mâna Domnului, căci multe sunt îndurările Lui, dar să nu cad în mâinile omului“ (2 Reg. 24,14)
History witnesses that humankind faced several kinds of epidemics. This is seemingly normal. The epidemic attested during the reign of King David was caused by someone and ended thanks to measures the King took. He could choose between hunger, war, or plague. He chose the plague and, after a terrible struggle, he set up an altar for sacrifice, which brought the end of the illness. The analysis of the sacred text sheds light on several elements that can help us have a better understanding of what each of us can do in such instances.
Keywords: census, David’s plague, liturgical sacrifice