Pr. dr. Trandafir Vid
ROMA – Centrul Ortodox de Studii Teologice
„Sfântul Cuvios Dionisie Exiguul”.
The spirituality, the religiosity, and the faith are going through a certain period of crisis during the contemporary multicultural context, characterized by an accentuated secularization. Adolescents, as an important part of society, are subjected ‘in corpore’ (tr. in mass) to this process of spiritual erosion. Proven in time beneficial not only from a theological but also psychological perspective, and in order to prevent the irretrievable and irreversible dislocation of adolescents, from the sphere of personal and collective religiosity, it is important to know the intrapsychic phenomena that interact with contemporary secularism. In order to succeed in the process of strengthening the religiosity of today’s adolescent, it is necessary to understand what are the intrapsychic processes that contribute to the structuring of religiosity from birth, and how they are influenced by the family and the environment, thereby mainly understanding the school and the people with whom they interact, friends, colleagues, ecclesiastical staff etc.In general, religiosity is structured throughout the evolutionary stages of the personality and is directly related to psycho-affective maturity. That is why adolescence cannot be regarded in an exclusive way, just from the perspective of religiosity. It is built on the foundation of the early childhood of a person, that is, on what from the perspective of religiosity took shape in the first years of life. If during childhood, the relationship with the parents has a decisive role, in adolescence, the social proximity and the peer pressure have the predominant incidence in structuring the religiosity. That is why the environment in which the adolescent carries out his daily activities and his/her cultural stereotypes, have a major role in establishing his religious profile, which will significantly influence the dynamics of future maturation.
Cuvinte cheie: adolescență, maturizare, religiozitate, credință, contemporan.